- What is required to join?
- Libraries are asked to have one kit (10 copies of a title) to start, and add at least one kit per year after that.
- Be able to use the courier system to send and receive kits.
- Be able to monitor your items, and follow through on reservations, sending kits and returning kits.
- Libraries will contribute to the cost of using the platform and this website, around $65 per year, less if more libraries join!
- To formally join, contact:
- Susannah Rossier, Fletcher Free, srossier((at))burlingtonvt.gov
- We’ve decided to join, what’s next?
- You will need to provide a contact person and their information to receive notifications.
- You will be provided with resources, including training if desired, to learn to use the system.
- You will be asked to add at least one kit per year.
- Kits must be in some kind of zippered bag to keep the books together. They must travel in a courier bag as well. Thanks to a grant, we have sturdy, zippered totes to offer to new and current members.
- You will make sure your information is accurate, make any updates needed in a timely manner, and maintain your kits.
- Tips and Tricks
- It is recommended that you start with one kit that is NOT available for general lending to your patrons until you get a sense of how the system works and iron out the work flow at your library.
- VT Kit CLub kits must be kept separate from the general lending collection, it is also recommended that you suppress the records in your catalog so they are not visible to patrons. Kits must always be available for the Kit Keeper system, if one of your patrons wants a kit, just reserve it in the system like you would if you were requesting a kit from another library.
- Once you get a feel for the timing of the system, how to process them, and track requests on the platform, you can add more kits, lend them to your patrons if you wish, and request more titles.