How to Find and Export Information

How to find statistics on circulation and usage

Video for how to find circulation stats and export to Excel

  1. From the main page, click on “kit uses”. (Highlighted in yellow)
Click on ‘kit uses’ highlighted in yellow

2. Choose your library from list of home libraries if you like to narrow the results
3. Choose a date range to further narrow results
4. Click “Select” (red button) to get results
5. Click “Export” to download results to be able to open in Excel.

Choose a library and or date range, then click “Select” to get results, or Export to download for Excel

All the information available in headers: kit, author, home library, pick up library, when the reservation was made, when it was scheduled to be picked up, and use status

Headings for information results

A total is given at the bottom of results

A total of the results is given at the bottom of the page

Click on ‘KK DATA : CSV FILE’ to download a file that can be opened in Excel (see further directions below)

Click the top option: KK DATA to download a file for Excel

How to export the list of Kit Keepers from the site to an Excel Spreadsheet.

Video for how to export a list of Kit Keepers

  1. Log in to the Kit Keeper page.
  2. Go down to Admin- Kit Keeper Configurations : Kits, Add/Modify Kit Information (blue section)

  3. Click the button to “Export Kit Data”

4. Select KK Data: CSV File

5. Open Excel

6. Open a document, from your computer, from your downloads folder

7. Click on the drop down menu for file type, and select the first option, “All Files”.
The document KK_Kits_GMLC should appear in the folder. Double click on the document to open.

8. To sort by library, click on the V at the top of the column with the names of libraries so the entire column is highlighted. Click the button “Sort & Filter”, and select “Sort A-Z”. This will put the information in order by libraries from A-Z, from Bixby to Winooski. If you are in the lower half of the alphabet, you can reverse the order and sort Z-A if you prefer.

9. Make sure to allow it to “expand selection” and sort. This will ensure that all the data in the row goes with the data in the column, instead of just re-arranging the one set of information and leaving the rest behind.

10. From here, you can copy the rows that belong to your library and copy them onto a separate sheet in the same workbook, or open a new spreadsheet and paste them into there.

10. You can delete any columns with information you do not need or want, and move the order around, for example putting the author after the title.